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Tenants Together: Stories, Struggles, and Strategies

Tenants Together Tenants Together
tenants demonstration in San Francisco
It's been an exciting and challenging summer for California tenants. The good news: through our collective power, we are fighting back. Here's just a slice of the work Tenants Together and our members, partners, and allies are doing this summer!

Are American Workers Really Allergic to Socialism?

Chris Wright History News Network
One of the most remarkable demonstrations of the deep-seated radicalism of “ordinary people” has been all but forgotten, even by historians: namely, the Workers’ Unemployment Insurance Bill.

Are Bosses Dictators?

Joshua Rothman The New Yorker
A book posits that widespread oppression at work is a failure of America’s political system.

Trump Criticizes Boston Globe

Michael Levenson, Christina Prignano Boston Globe
Because the Globe organized newspapers to publish editorials supporting the free press.