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It’s Time for NATO to Go the Way of the Warsaw Pact

Conn Hallinan Foreign Policy in Focus
Trump stole the headlines, but the recent NATO summit declaration suggests the odds of an unnecessary conflict are rising. NATO's expansion eastward to Russia's borders has added to the risk.

The Young MLK Already Had Socialist Ideas

Lynn Parramore Institute for New Economic Thinking
A new book argues that King’s suspicion of American capitalism and his passion for economic justice did not represent a turn in his last tumultuous years. They were there all along.

They Thought This Was Trump Country. Hell No.

Sarah Smarsh The Guardian
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders visited Wichita, Kansas, to woo progressives in support of congressional candidate James Thompson. Is the red state ready to turn blue?

Friday Nite Videos | July 27, 2018

Mark Ruffalo and Common Speak Out on Humanitarian Crisis at Border. Amber's Minute of Fury: R. Kelly. Songs That Bring History to Life | Rhiannon Giddens. A New Possible | Kaniela Saito Ing. Diversity in Comics Makes Bigots Mad.

Tidbits - July 26, 2018 - Reader Comments: Young Voters, New Voters; Obama Nelson Mandela Speech; Uranium Danger, Tar Sands Explosion; Julian Assange; Immigrants, Deportations; Kavanaugh; Israel's Jewish 'Nation State' Law; Cuban Revolution; and more...

Reader Comments: Young Voters, New Voters; Barack Obama Nelson Mandela Speech; Uranium Danger, Tar Sands Explosion in West Virginia; Julian Assange; Immigrant Hunger Strikes; Kavanaugh; Israel's Jewish 'Nation State' Law; Cuban Revolution; and more..

Making Sense of U.S. Moves in the Middle East

Rebecca Gordon Tom Dispatch
There is a new ménage-à-quatre in the region, bringing Israel, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and the United States ever closer. unexpected fifth player lurking in the shadows: Russia.