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North Carolina, May 16: Our Strength, Our Task, Our Future

North Carolina Association of Educators Organize 2020 Caucus Organizing Upgrade
outline of North Carolina with heart and 2020
This piece was developed by Organize 2020, the social and racial justice caucus of the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE), written in advance of the massive May 16th teachers mobilizations in North Carolina. Keep an eye out for future reflection pieces from local organizers.

To Survive the Trumpocalypse, We Need Wild Disability Justice Dreams

Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha Truthout
graphic of disabled people
Sick and disabled and neurodivergent folks aren’t supposed to dream, especially if we are queer and Black or Brown — we’re just supposed to be grateful the “normals” let us live. But I am the product of some wild disabled Black and Brown queer revolutionary dreaming,

New Challenges for the Disputed Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Sue Sturgis Facing South
photo of bumble bee
The proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline, which would carry fracked gas 600 miles from West Virginia to North Carolina and possibly points farther south, has been hit with setbacks in recent weeks that raise questions about its future.

How Israeli Banks Finance Theft of Palestinian Land

Ali Abunimah The Electronic Intifada
new Jewish settlers housing displacing Palestinian village
The Aamer family owns about 100 acres of land just half a kilometer from their home village of Mas’ha. But that land now lies on the other side of Israel’s apartheid wall in the occupied West Bank.

Is Cynthia Nixon Ready for the Spotlight?

Joan Walsh The Nation
The actor and activist is running to win—not just push Andrew Cuomo to the left. But can she convince voters she’s ready to govern?