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How Brain Waves Surf Sound Waves to Process Speech

John Rennie Quanta
By paying more attention to behaviors, and not just to the activity of neurons, two researchers critical of most neuroscience learned how brains make sense of spoken language.

The 60-Year Downfall of US Nuclear Power Has Left a Huge Mess

Fred Pearce The Atlantic
Washington’s Hanford Nuclear Reservation facility
Despite the desperate efforts of the Trump Administration to rescue the nuclear industry, the demand for atomic energy is in irreversible decline. But before the country can abandon its nuclear plants, there's six decades of waste to deal with.

How Lebanon Transformed Anthony Bourdain

Kim Ghattas Atlantic Monthly
In 2006, he found himself in a country falling into war—an experience that forever altered how he would understand people, culture, history, and conflict.

Why Trade Unions Should Fund Automation

Fully Automated Luxury Communism Newsletter Fully Automated Luxury Communism Newsletter
This week I am going to talk about trade unions and automation, and why we should put the labour movements money into shaping automation for our use.