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What Would Martin Luther King Do?

Ron Young Truthdig
Had he lived, there is little doubt that King would have opposed the U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, not only based on his principled commitment to nonviolence and against war, but because, like the Vietnam War, these wars have robbed our nation of essential human and economic resources, ...

The Right to Rent Control

Tanner Howard Jacobin
Last month, voters and organizers in Chicago mobilized against Illinois’ rent-control ban — a first step in stemming the city’s affordable-housing crisis.

Refinery Safety Campaign Frays Blue-Green Alliance

Steve Early CounterPunch
demonstration signs
At 350-person rally organized by Torrance Refinery Action on the third anniversary of a giant explosion at Exxon Mobil’s facility there, people were eager to hear about how Richmond is working to hold Chevron accountable for its pollution. His piece ref