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What I Learned From Susan Burton, a Modern-Day Harriet Tubman

Michelle Alexander The New Press - co-published by The Nation and Portside
Reading her life story will change the way you view the world. This is not simply a story about a formerly incarcerated woman dedicated to working for justice and freedom in the era of mass incarceration. It is a story of a black woman who, as she often tells me, is “nothing special” and yet has somehow managed to transform her own life as well as hundreds of lives around her. She has emerged as a leading figure in the movement to end mass incarceration.

Major Decisions Face Québec Solidaire at its Forthcoming Congress

Richard Fidler The Socialist Project (Canada)
Quebec's broad party of the left, Québec solidaire (QS), congress opens May 19 in Montréal – the 12th congress in its 11-year history. The delegates face a challenging agenda: the final stage of adoption of the party's detailed program, a process begun eight years ago; discussion of possible alliances with other parties and some social movements including a proposed fusion with another pro-independence party, Option nationale; and renewal of the party's top leadership.

This Wasn't Just a Primary Victory. This Was a Revolution - Advances Movement for Racial and Criminal Justice

Will Bunch / Philadelphia Daily News
Larry Krasner's victory for Philadelphia District Attorney is huge! Krasner has been the main defense attorney for #BlackLivesMatter and Occupy and has freed 80 prisoners on wrongful conviction charges. He ran to end stop-and-frisk, end cash bail, and treat drug law violators via the public health rather than criminal justice system. A huge victory for the movements against police brutality and mass incarceration - for progressive and racial justice movements nationwide.

Jeremy Corbyn's Church House Speech

Jeremy Corbyn Morning Star
The establishment complains I don’t play the rules: by which they mean their rules. We can’t win, they say, because we don’t play their game. We don’t accept that it is natural for Britain to be governed by a ruling elite, that the people just have to take what they’re given. And in a sense, the establishment is right. I don’t play by their rules. And if a Labour Government is elected on 8 June, we still then we won’t play by their rules either.

Time to Talk Impeachment

Lawrence Tribe, Robert Reich, Kali Holloway Boston Globe
Constitutional scholar Lawrence Tribe and Robert Reich weigh in. A majority of the public agrees. To rescue democracy, we need to make it happen.

If You Care About the Right to Vote, Here Are Six Things You Need to Know About Kris Kobach

By Amrit Cheng, Communications Strategist, ACLU American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Kris Kobach, Kansas secretary of state and vice-chair of the Presidential Advisory Committee on Election Integrity is a known voter suppressor. He has been brought to court — and lost — several times for suppressing the constitutional rights of citizens to vote in Kansas.

Trump Nominates Actual Fascist David Clarke for Department of Homeland Security

By Jonathan Chait New York Magazine
That one of our major political parties allows a figure like Clarke to exist comfortably within it at all is deeply disturbing. That he would even be considered for a position at a security agency, where he would presumably work to implement his fascistic beliefs, is one of the most disturbing signs yet of the Trump administration’s increasingly evident disregard for democratic norms.

Congress Has the Power to Disclose Trump’s Tax Returns

George K. Yin History News Network
To cut short what seems to be the nation’s inevitable slide into constitutional crisis, Congress should obtain and possibly disclose those returns under authority of a law first passed in 1924.