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Time Is Already Running Out on Our Democracy

Kali Holloway Alternet
“I think things have tightened up very fast; we have at most a year to defend the republic, perhaps less,” Snyder stated in an interview with German outlet Süddeutsche Zeitung. “What happens in the next few weeks is very important.” Snyder, whose multiple books include On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century, points out that Americans must dispense with wishful thinking about institutions helping to curb Trump’s power.

Dividing the Right and Conquering Trump

John Feffer Foreign Policy in Focus
Trump's extremely effective at dividing and conquering his opponents. What would it take for progressives to divide his supporters?

No Plans to Abandon Our Freedom Dreams

Linda Burnham Portside
In this roiling environment, it may seem that debate over “identity politics” is of relatively little consequence. But it is, in fact, central to how the Democratic Party and progressives approach 2018 and 2020, and to whether and how the party regroups to become an effective shield against the far-right onslaught. It is of enormous importance to a left that must focus its influence on shaping the political frameworks and strategies most capable of defeating Trumpism.

Japanese Internment and its Implications for Today

Linda Gordon The Asia-Pacific Journal
Until 2006, almost no one knew of Dorothea Lange's photographs of the Japanese internment. These were also commissioned by the federal government, but had never been published as a collection, and approximately 97 percent of them have never been published at all.1 Their neglect resulted from US Army censorship: once the brass saw the photographs, they quickly impounded them for the duration of the war, and afterward placed them in the National Archives.2

Exploiting Black Labor After the Abolition of Slavery

Kathy Roberts Forde, Bryan Bowman The Conversation
The exploitation of Black convict labor by the penal system and industrialists was central to southern politics and economics of the era. It was a carefully crafted answer to Black progress during Reconstruction – highly visible and widely known.