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UN Rejects Cuban Blockade; After 25 Years US Abstains

TeleSUR/hg-mk TeleSur
In a historic step toward lifting the blockade on Cuba, the United States abstained in the United Nations General Assembly vote calling for the end of the Cold War practice. On Wednesday, 191 of the 193 member states in the Assembly voted for the resolution. Only the United States and Israel abstained. The U.S. abstention is significant, but only the U.S. Congress, where Republicans have rebuffed normalized relations with Cuba, has the power to lift the blockade.

Wall Street Firms Make Money From Teachers' Pensions -- And Fund Charter Schools Fight

David Sirota, Avi Asher-Schapiro and Andrew Perez International Business Times
The largest injection of money from donors linked to a MassPRIM money manager came from Berkshire Partners executives Bradley Bloom, David Peeler, Robert Small and Ross Jones. Together they have given a quarter-million dollars to Great Schools Massachusetts. Their 2016 donations came only months after the MassPRIM board committed $175 million to a Berkshire-managed fund. Assuming standard fee rates, that deal could generate more than $3 million in annual management fees

Why Dakota Is the New Keystone

Bill Mckibben New York Times
The shocking images of the National Guard destroying tepees and sweat lodges and arresting elders this week remind us that the battle over the Dakota Access Pipeline is part of the longest-running drama in American history -- the United States Army versus Native Americans.

Judge Blocks Obama Contracting Rules Nationwide

Josh Gerstein Politico
The current deadlock on the Supreme Court makes it particularly attractive for plaintiffs looking to block Obama administration policies to file suit in federal courts in Texas, sometimes directing their cases to particular judges there. Any appeals go to the 5th Circuit, widely viewed as the most conservative federal appeals court in the country.

Friday Nite Videos -- October 28, 2016

Opioids: John Oliver. A Change Is Gonna Come | Live in Brazil. Terror Lynching in America. Trump and the GOP Crack-Up: A Closer Look. Before the Flood | Documentary.