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Chelsea Manning Threatened: Indefinite Solitary Confinement

Chelsea Manning Support Network Chelsea Manning Support Network
July 28 Chelsea Manning found out she is yet again being threatened with the possibility of indefinite solitary confinement. In a jarringly callous move, Army officials are charging Chelsea with “offenses” related to her suicide attempt earlier this month. If convicted, her punishment could be indefinite solitary confinement, reclassification into maximum security, and an additional nine years in medium custody. Her chance of parole may be negated.

Looking Back, Looking Forward Resolving the Left Impasse Over Elections

Kurt Stand Stansbury Forum
Defining a social justice agenda primarily in reaction to Clinton (oppose her, back her), or Trump (fight him, ignore him), allows the dominant two-party system to set the tone, reduces independent politics to slogans without substance. Failure to look at the whole political environment rather than any one aspect of it, has led to lost opportunities in the past.

Hydrocarbons and the Illusion of Sustainability

Kent A. Klitgaard Monthly Review
A system based on the fair distribution of use values, decent work, and production and consumption levels that remain within nature’s biophysical limits cannot occur without the abandonment of a social order based on profit and accumulation.

For the Wealthy, a Taxing New Worry

Sam Pizzigati
Lobbyists for America’s grandest fortunes may want to raise their rates. Capitol Hill is getting a gadfly who can really sting.

Greenland Melt Could Expose Hazardous Cold War Waste

Andrea Thompson Climate Central
Climate change can result in unanticipated release into the environment of toxic and radioactive wastes that were optimistically presumed at the time to be stably isolated

Voters Deliver Stinging Rebuke to ANC in South African Elections

Emma Graham-Harrison The Guardian
South Africa’s ruling African National Congress party conceded defeat in Nelson Mandela Bay and could lose political control of Johannesburg and Pretoria in the greatest electoral defeat for the ANC since the fall of apartheid. Widespread unemployment and poverty, rampant corruption, and political infighting were deemed the main contributors to the ANC’s political setback, particularly in the urban centers. Never before had the ANC received less than 60% of the vote.

Anti-Occupation Activists Stand with Black Lives Matter

Wilson Dizard Mondoweiss
This week, activists from Jewish Voice for Peace and other groups stood behind Black Lives Matter while more conservative parts of the American Jewish community condemned the movement after it criticized Israeli policies towards Palestinians, which it characterized as “genocide,” ...It’s the latest example of how the growing Palestinian rights movement has driven a wedge in the American Jewish community.