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Friday Nite Videos -- October 30, 2015

Stephen Asks Donald to Put His Millions Where His Mouth Is. Alabama Shakes: Future People. Professors in Poverty. Documentary: Jafar Panahi's Taxi. Bernie Sanders Wants To Make College Tuition Free.

Tidbits - October 29, 2015 - Sanders Ignites Popular Movement; How Should He Talk About Socialism; Hillary and Labor; Cuba Solidarity and more...

Reader Comments: Sanders Ignites a Populist Movement; How Sanders Should Talk About Democratic Socialism - readers offer differing views; Clinton and Labor Support; Argentina; Indonesia and the Act of Killing; Vera B. Williams and Children's Literature; A Progressive Song To Tap Your Feet To! from Kristin Lems; Announcements: Paul Robeson Play - More Performances - Hackettstown, NJ; Cuba Speaks for Itself - New York- Nov 4; Washington, DC- Nov 7; Bay Area- Nov. 13

Harry Belafonte on Activism, Unrest and the Importance of Making People Squirm

Cambria Roth Crosscut
If the state says you go to bed by 10 o'clock, then you should make sure that by 11, the streets of our cities are filled with human protest and bodies! The fact that some might have a restless night with the noise downstairs or find it inconvenient because people blocked traffic, well that's the point - to snap you out of your indifference! So those who are turned off by radical thinking, or radical behavior, well, as a matter of fact, in many ways, you are our target.

"Broken Window Policies" are Discriminatory and Should be Opposed in U.S., Israel

M. Dove Kent, Donna Nevel, Rebecca Vilkomerson Tikkun Daily
As Jewish New Yorkers, we firmly believe that no community can ever be safe through the oppression of another. Your advocacy of broken windows policing while in Israel reinforces the Israeli government's ongoing policies of discrimination against Palestinians. The military occupation of Palestinian communities, political and economic exclusion ...and discriminatory and violent policing by the military and police do not increase the safety of the Jewish people.

The U.S. Ought to Un-Swivel Its China Pivot

Buddy Bell Portside
The U.S. has Beijing surrounded by 200 bases lining the East China Sea, it has already caused the beginning of an arms race. For the first time in many years, China is increasing its military budget at the same time the U.S. continues to spend more than China and the next 11 highest-spending countries. The U.S. is depriving its own people of money that could be used to fund scientific research, healthcare, education; it is also backing China into a corner.

Socialism: No Longer a Dirty Word; Making a Comeback Around the World

Michael Steven Smith; Van Gosse
The word socialism is in the air these days. Socialism of many varieties has been enjoying a comeback in Latin America for some time. Evo Morales, Rafael Correa, Lula da Silva, the late Hugo Chavez have been the region's dominant leaders in this century. And now there is a remarkable resurgence of European socialism. And, and, the candidate everyone is talking about is...Bernie Sanders, democratic socialist.

Targeted Surveillance, Civil Rights, and the Fight for Democracy

Malkia Cyril The Center for Media Justice
On October 13th 2015, Malkia Cyril, co-founder and Executive Director of the Center for Media Justice, gave a lunch speakers series keynote address, at the Computers, Freedom and Privacy Conference. Below is the transcript of her speech.

The Primary Route: How the 99% Take on the Military Industrial Complex by Tom Gallagher

Peter Olney The Stansbury Forum
Democratic socialist, longtime political activist and past Massachusetts state legislator, Tom Gallagher has written a stunningly clear and concise book about American politics. It is self-published and he calls it a “pamphlet” in the tradition of George Orwell, “It is written because there is something that one wants to say now, and because one believes that there is no other way of getting a hearing”(1).

New 2015 Wealth Data: US Inequality at Its Ugliest

Paul Buchheit Buzzflash at Truthout
Bernie Sanders showed his outrage about inequality at the Democratic Debate, and more and more Americans are understanding his message. Indignation is likely to grow with new data from the Credit Suisse Global Wealth Databook, which reveals the wealthy elite's continuing disdain for the poor, for the middle class, and for people all around the world.

Private Prisons: Just Bit Players in Mass Incarceration

James Kilgore Truthout
In the rush to find targets and mobilize outrage, assigning too much culpability to private prisons runs the risk of ignoring bigger forces. Private prison operators are bit players in a broader drama directed by state actors. Elected officials, "tough on crime" advocates and corporate interests have used mass incarceration to advance a political agenda of criminalizing the poor and dismantliing the social safety net of the working class.