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Stiglitz: A Fair Solution to the Greek Debt

Joseph Stiglitz Project Syndicate
What is needed is not structural reform within Greece and Spain so much as structural reform of the Eurozone and a fundamental rethinking of the policy frameworks that have resulted in the monetary union’s spectacularly bad performance. Failure to restructure Greece's debt would be a failure of democracy and morality.

Friday Nite Videos -- February 6, 2015

The Super Bowl commercial you didn't see. The Black Panther Party: Vanguard of the Revolution. The worst trade deal you never heard of. A true story of fast food, immigration and justice. Diane Nash: A Bio.

Tidbits - February 5, 2015 - Football, Domestic Workers, Greece, Keystone XL, Ukraine, movies, and more...

Reader Comments- Sports, NFL, Tax Subsidy; Unions Today; Domestic Worker Organizing; Students Against Sweatshops; Greece, Germany & the EU; TPP; Israel, Iran, Iraq; Keystone XL; Cuba; Ukraine; Selma; American Sniper; Resource: Where Do We Go from Here? Mass Incarceration and the Struggle for Civil Rights; After the Greek Elections New York forum- Feb 6 - new location Hold the Date- Fighting Corruption in America and Abroad - Fordham Law School - New York - Mar 6

The Case of the Black Professors Who Vanished from Brooklyn College

Ronald Howell Brooklyn Ron
The film Selma and the murders in Ferguson and New York have re-focused much discussion on civil rights and equality or lack of. Affirmative action programs - a victory from the civil rights movement - have largely been dismantled by judicial rulings. Today there is the attempt to de-fund the historically Black Colleges. In Brooklyn, the largest African American community in the country, there are new reports of 'vanishing African American professors' at Brooklyn College

Net Neutrality Wins: The FCC will propose strong Title II regulation

T.C. Sottek The Verge
'The Internet must be fast, fair, and open.' The biggest revelation from the proposal is the decision to lump wireless networks in with wired broadband, something the FCC has avoided doing for years thanks to enormous pressure from Verizon and AT&T.

Long Live Charlie Hebdo! - A letter to the left leaning in wake of Charlie Hebdo shootings

Harsh Kapoor South Asia Citizens Web
Today Portside is publishing two different perspectives on the response to the horrific murders at Charlie Hebdo. The first from India takes on the factual mistakes and subsequent gross distortions that were published in English after the Charlie Hebdo massacre. It shows who were the assassinated cartoonists and what was Charlie Hebdo.

Why I am not Charlie

Scott Long A Paper Bird
To combat violence you must look at the concrete inequities and practices that breed it. To protect expression that's endangered you have to engage with the substance of what was said, not deny it. That means attempting dialogue with those who peacefully condemn or disagree, not trying to shame them into silence. Nothing is quick, nothing is easy. I support free speech. I oppose all censors. I abhor the killings. I mourn the dead. I am not Charlie.

The U.S. Immigration Battle Intensifies

David Bacon Equal Times
In an escalating dispute with President Obama, Republican in the United States House of Representatives passed a bill to cut any funding to the Department of Homeland Security for suspending the deportation of undocumented people. This bill rescinds Obama's 2014 orders for DHS to defer the deportation of undocumented immigrants with US-born children (who are US citizens) as well as suspend the deportation of undocumented young people brought to US as children.

How to Get Serious About Ending the ISIS War

Sarah Lazare Foreign Policy In Focus
A long-term alternative to war can only be built by popular movements in Iraq and Syria. These movements still matter, and they deserve our solidarity — not our bombs.The expanding U.S.-led war on the so-called Islamic State, or ISIS, has largely fallen off the radar of U.S. social movements. The answer to complexity is not to do nothing. With the great crimes and historic blunders — from Palestine to South Africa to Afghanistan — the task is to figure out what to do.

Marissa Alexander Released From Prison, But Still Not Free

Nadia Prupis Common Dreams
Initially facing 20 years in prison under Florida's "10-20-life" rule, Marissa Alexander's case focused national attention on the treatment of domestic abuse survivors by the justice system, particularly women of color, as well as Florida's mandatory minimum sentencing laws.