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Don't Send Your Kid to the Ivy League

By William Deresiewicz The New Republic
We recognize that free, quality K–12 education is a right of citizenship. We also need to recognize—as we once did and as many countries still do—that the same is true of higher education.

Arizona Takes Nearly 2 Hours to Execute Inmate

By Erik Eckholm New York Times
Capital punishment by lethal injection has been thrown into turmoil as the supplies of traditionally used barbiturates have dried up, in part because companies are unwilling to manufacture and sell them for this purpose.

Anti-Imperialist Political Thesis of Cochabamba

Jordan Bishop and Federico Fuentes, translators The Bullet
At its closing plenary session, the conference adopted an “Anti-Imperialist political thesis,” published below, outlining an “anti-imperialist, anti-colonial and anti-capitalist” strategy aimed at pointing the way toward a socialist world order. It is a strong statement of solidarity with anti-imperialist liberation movements and the “process of change” in Bolivia and other Latin American countries.

A Young Climate Activist Reflects on Lessons Learned

Chloe Maxmin and StudentNation The Nation
During the summer of 2012, I discovered the frightening power of the fossil fuel industry. That’s when I co-founded Divest Harvard (DH), a student-run campaign calling on Harvard to divest from fossil fuel companies. We join hundreds of divestment campaigns worldwide in a movement that aims to open political space for climate legislation by stigmatizing the fossil fuel industry.

Central to the Achievement of the "Zionist Dream" is the Notion That Jewish Lives Matter More Than Arab Lives

Donna Nevel Alternet
In some circles, particularly among "progressive" Zionists, the terrible injustice done to the Palestinians is acknowledged, but as awful as the Nakba was, they say, it was what had to be done to create and ensure the security of the Jewish state. To be clear, the price was paid by the Palestinians-that is, the killing and expulsion of Palestinians for the sake of Jewish safety. The only way you can think that - is to believe that Jewish lives matter more . . .

Distorted Reality in Detroit

Shea Howell Common Dreams
This effort to demonize and divide people in the city is an old tactic. It ignores basic facts: most notable among them is that since 2005 there have been efforts to tie the cost of water to the ability to pay. This would be both financially sound and ensure the right of all to water. Because the city has not implemented the Water Affordability Plan, approved by Council in 2006, Detroiters are paying twice the national average for water.