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Rebel with a Cause

Jennifer Berkshire EduShyster
This is a critical moment in our history and we have to protect public education or we’re going to lose it. There’s an incredible sea change that’s coming from the rank and file in teachers unions, not just in Massachusetts but across the country.

Leveling the Playing Field for Worker Cooperatives

Abby Scher Truthout | News Analysis
As democratic enterprises, coops are more than one piece of an economic development model. They give workers more control over their work environment, and their capacity for democratic participation in the wider world is enriched.

Argentina Wants to Continue Paying its Debts But They Won't Let It

Republic of Argentina
The vulture funds that secured a ruling in their favor are not original lenders to Argentina. They purchased bonds in default at obscenely low prices for the sole purposes of engaging in litigation against Argentina and making an enormous profit.

Repealing Tax Cuts Makes a Moral Budget Possible for North Carolina

By William J. Barber II
In this moment of reactionary politics, I am reminded of words from the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on the moral imperatives that anchor public policy: “True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar; it is not haphazard and superficial. It comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring."

The U.S.-Created Child Migrant Crisis

By Hector Luis Alamo, Jr. Latino Rebels
Enforcement is not the solution to the latest version of the United States’ immigration issue. To stem immigration, if that’s indeed what is desired, the United States needs to make Central America habitable again, especially since the U.S. government has been the major instigator in the region for at least the past century.