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Limits of the Locavore

By L.V. Anderson Dissent
Our society’s tendency to idealize local food allows small farmers to pay workers substandard wages, house them in shoddy labor camps, and quash their ability to unionize to demand better working conditions.

Black Voters and the Future of Southern Politics

Chris Kromm Facing South
The organizers of Freedom Summer did not just have a one-year plan. The summer of 1964 was always meant to be the beginnings of a multi-faceted, multi-year campaign. Any modern movement to build a more inclusive Black Belt needs to be seen as a generational battle.

Chicago Aldermen Want a $15 Minimum Wage in Their City, Too

Ethan Corey In These Times
Ultimately, Alderman Muñoz tells In These Times, the CPC hopes to do just that by using initiatives like a $15 minimum wage to bridge the sharp economic divides that plague Chicago and the country as a whole.

A Plan Only Banksters Will Love: WikiLeaks Reveals Trade Deal Pushing Global Financial Deregulation

Amy Goodman/Juan Gonzalez Democracy Now
WikiLeaks released the secret draft text for the Trade in Services Agreement. The deal covers 50 countries and over 68 percent of world trade in services. The draft had been classified to keep it secret during the negotiations and for five years post-enactment. The trade deal aims to cement the deregulatory model of the 1990s by forbidding countries from improving financial regulation and roll back the regulatory structure strengthened after the global financial crisis.

Bush's Toxic Legacy in Iraq

Peter Bergen CNN
The Bush administration presided over the rise of precisely what it had said was one of the key goals of the Iraq War to destroy: a safe haven for al Qaeda in the heart of the Arab world.

'Freedom Summer' 2014

David Goodman USA Today
50 years after the murder of my brother, Andrew Goodman, voter rights still threatened.

Prosecutor Is Closing in on Gov. Christie

Scott Raab and Lisa Brennan Esquire
Indictments against four cronies are near certain, sources say. Only question is if David Samson, Christie's longtime mentor, will flip.

Friday Nite Videos -- June 20, 2014

NSA vs USA. George Takei: How It Got Better. Professor Louie: The Cockroach. Orange Is The New Black: Monsanto. Moral Mondays Are Back in Business.