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Leaving Homeless Person On The Streets: $31,065. Giving Them Housing: $10,051

Scott Keys Think Progress
A study found that it would cost taxpayers just $10,051 per homeless person to give them a permanent place to live and services like job training and health care. That figure is 68 percent less than the public currently spends by allowing homeless people to remain on the streets. If central Florida took the permanent supportive housing approach, it could save $350 million over the next decade.

Spot-on, After All These Years

Michael Hirsch Democratic Left
A hundred years after publication, the central message of this British classic still rings true . . . These fictional but very representative working people are under the thumb of papers such as the Daily Obscurer and the Weekly Chloroform; attend the Church of the Whited Sepulchre; work for bosses named Sweater, Makehaste, and Slogg; elect a town council comprising "The Forty Thieves"; and have daughters who work as maids for the likes of Mrs. Starvum and Lady Slumrent.

Pregnant in Prison

Lauren Kirchner Pacific Standard
Will Orange Is the New Black show the complicated reality?

Antibiotic Resistance Revitalizes Century-Old Virus Therapy

Sara Reardon and Nature magazine Scientific American
Denied access to some of the best antibiotics developed in the West the Soviet Union invested heavily in the use of bacteriophages — viruses that kill bacteria — to treat infections. Now, faced with the looming spectre of antibiotic resistance, Western researchers and governments are giving phages a serious look. Pharmaceutical companies remain reluctant to get on board because phage therapy, nearly a century old, would be difficult claim intellectual property.

University Presidents Are Laughing All the Way to the Bank While the People Who Work for Them Are on Food Stamps

Lawrence S. Wittner History News Network
As the incomes of the 25 best-paid public university presidents soared, the livelihoods of their faculty deteriorated. This deterioration resulted largely from the fact that tenured and tenure-track faculty were replaced with adjuncts (part-time instructors, paid by the course) and contingents (temporary faculty). Many adjuncts have incomes below the official poverty level and receive food stamps.

The Gitmo Quandary

Tom Tomorrow This Modern World
Some Gitmo detainees have been cleared for release for years. So why are they still there?

Friday Nite Videos -- June 6, 2014

How Wall Street Skims Higher Education. Richard Pryor & Maya Angelou. Documentary: Citizen Koch. John Lee Hooker, Bonnie Raitt, "I'm In The Mood." John Oliver: Stop Cable Company F**kery.

Tidbits - June 5, 2014

Reader Comments - Edward Snowden, NSA and NBC; Police Crimes; U.S. Cuba Policy; Tiananmen Anniversary; Ralph Fasanella's Art; Prisons and Solidarity Confinement; Workers and Labor; Taxes and Economic Growth; Carbon Pollution; New Populism; Sexual Harassment; Sexual assault of women protestors in India; Les Orear - R.I.P.