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A New Front in the CEO Pay Wars

Sam Pizzigati Otherwords
Two new imaginative state proposals are now seeking to leverage the power of the public purse against executive excess. In California, lawmakers are zeroing in on how government taxes. New legislation pending in Rhode Island targets how government spends.

The Tabloid Shaming of Chirlane McCray Ignores the Realities of Motherhood

Lizzy Ratner The Nation
The big bad thing she confessed to was… ambivalence. Ambivalence about the early days of motherhood. Sideswiped by the consuming reality of parenting, she admitted that she often wanted to escape; she didn’t want to spend every round-the-clock moment with her new child; she wanted to work!

A New Teacher Union Movement is Rising

Bob Peterson Common Dreams
Teacher unions must unite with parents, students and the community to improve our schools—to demand social justice and democracy so that we have strong public schools, healthy communities, and a vibrant democracy.

Force Protection Alpha in Effect

Brian Terrell Voices for Creative Nonviolence
Drone warfare is based on the lie that war can be made more exact, limited and humane through technology.

Our Egalitarian Eden

Elizabeth Pennisi Science
Hunter-gatherers—and presumably all our ancestors—lived as equals

Friday Nite Videos -- May 30, 2014

On a cool note, Miles Davis gets a NYC street. Neil deGrasse Tyson on Weather vs Climate Change. What's So Scary About Smart Girls? Maya Angelou - I Am Human. Documentary: 'Daddy I Do'.

Tidbits - May 29, 2014

Reader Comments - Cecily McMillan; Prison Labor; William Worthy; Syria; Timothy Geithner and Wall Street's Bailout; College Debt; U.S. Subversion in Latin America; Venezuela; Announcements - This Weekend - Left Forum (May 30 - June 1) - Reform and/or Revolution: Imagining a World with Transformative Justice; Raising America's Pay - Launches June 4; Meet UnionWiki; Call for Papers - Fighting Inequality: Class, Race, and Power