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Net Neutrality: We Need a Better Deal

Eric Klinker Bittorrent Blog
If Internet service providers are allowed to give preferential treatment to certain kinds of traffic, the open Internet will have been paywalled shut. The solution lies in fairer regulation and in better, more people-powered technology.

Friday Nite Videos -- April 25, 2014

'Toreador': A Random Act of Culture. What the 1% Don't Want You to Know. Guns: Not Our Words. Schizophrenia: What's in My Head? Matt Taibbi Explores Criminal Injustice With Bill Maher.

Khalidi: It's Time for Palestinians `to get off their knees' and Turn to Europe and ICC

Philip Weiss Mondoweiss
Rashid Khalidi said today that the US opposition to the reunification of Palestinian parties exposes the "farce" that is the peace process. It is in fact a "bring them to the table on their knees process," and the U.S. rejects a Northern Ireland model- in which George Mitchell negotiated among all parties to the conflict- because the Israel lobby won't let it pursue that course.

Conservative Media Hero Cliven Bundy Goes on Racist Tirade - Will Right-Wing Media Finally Renounce the Rancher?

Ellie Sandmeyer Media Matters for America
Nevada coverage of the Bundy standoff has made it clear that Bundy is breaking the law, right-wing media, and Fox News in particular, have propped up his cause with a PR campaign that romanticizes his lawlessness and the armed militia groups that helped him force a standoff with federal agents - even as Bundy and his supporters were engaging in revolutionary, insurrectionist rhetoric and repeated threats of violence against government authorities.

Chicago's violence tied to policies of Rahm's past

Curtis Black Chicago Reporter
Anti-violence initiatives can make a crucial difference in individual lives — and crime rates can also be lowered through statistical manipulation. But it will take radical changes to address the roots of violence in Chicago communities.

‘Net Neutrality’ Turnaround as F.C.C. Plans for a Fast Lane

By Edward Wyatt New York Times
The proposed rules are a turnaround for the agency on what is known as net neutrality — the idea that Internet users should have equal ability to see any legal content they choose, and that no providers of legal content should be discriminated against in providing their offerings to consumers.

Cowboy Indian Alliance and other Unlikely Environmental Alliances

By Zoltán Grossman Submitted to Portside
The Cowboy Indian Alliance may seem like an unprecedented type of environmental movement--multiracial, rooted in struggling rural communities, and often more effective in its grassroots organizing than traditional urban-based white upper/middle class environmental groups--but it is also part of a long, proud tradition that has been conveniently covered up in American history.