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A 'new poetry' emerges from Syria's civil war

Leigh Cuen Aljazeera
"Today there is literature coming out of Syria that we could have never even dreamed of just a few years ago," Atrash says.Rather than relying on metaphors and allegorical images, these new poems rely on literal, visceral descriptions, with a newfound emphasis on a united Syrian identity instead of religious symbols.

Enormous, Humongous Trade Deficit Grows

Dave Johnson Campaign for America's Future
We let companies close factories here, move the equipment to China, bring the same goods back to sell in the same stores, and call that “trade.” But we don’t just “let” companies do this, we give big tax breaks that practically force companies to do this.

The New Goliath

William Greider The Nation
Go looking for enemies in the world, you are likely to find some. How did this happen? Officials still talk about “national defense” as though Americans only want to protect their homeland—to be left alone in Fortress America. But that hasn’t been US strategy for more than sixty years.

America’s 200-Year-Long Battle for Workplace Democracy

David Moberg In These Times
In this latest battle over appointments to the NLRB, class divisions emerged starkly. “There’s an open conspiracy among corporate law firms, federal judges—many of whom used to be in the same firms—the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the Republican Party—particularly its senators,” says Larry Cohen, president of the Communications Workers of America. This [NLRB debate ultimately] is a question of which side are you on?

The Spirit of Socialism in Chile Lives On; Poem - On Pinochet's Capture

Harry Targ; poem by Mitchel Cohen Diary of a Heartland Radical
The Chilean Song Movement had become so identified with Popular Unity, it had been such a strong factor, emotional, cohesive, inspiring, that the military authorities found it necessary to declare `subversive' even the indigenous instruments, whose beautiful sound had become so full of meaning and inspiration. Together with prohibiting even the mention of Victor's name, they banned all his music and the music of all the artists of the New Chilean Song Movement.

Organize the South or Die

MaryBe McMIllan, N.C. State AFL-CIO Facing South
We can change the South and by doing so, we can change the nation.

Ex-World Leaders Urge US to Forgo Military Attack on Syria

Thalif Deen Inter Press Service
They are urging the international community to convene the Syria Peace Conference, known as Geneva II, as one of the many nonviolent measures available to the international community help resolve Syria’s conflict and to include women in the peace process.