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Happy Birthday, Dear Income Tax

Sam Pizzigati, Sarah Anderson Prospect Magazine
Five lessons for progressives from our first century of income taxes.

The Uncommon Courage of Bradley Manning

Marjorie Cohn Portside
Bradley Manning's actions are not unlike those of Daniel Ellsberg, whose release of the Pentagon Papers helped to expose the government’s lies and end the Vietnam War.

Friday Nite Videos -- March 1, 2013

Colbert: The War on Terror turns 12. Hannity v Ellison. How realistic were Jurassic Park's velociraptors? Honor Trayvon Martin: build the movement. Elizabeth Warren questions Ben Bernanke. Movie: A Place at the Table.

If This Is The Deal, Philly Teachers Should Strike

Will Bunch Philadelphia Daily News
Here come the contract demands that the Philadelphia School District would like to cram down the throat of the city's unionized school teachers. The so-called City of Brotherly Love is on the brink of setting a new standard in squeezing middle- class workers to death. It's not like we haven't seen this story before: Working men and women asked to take a sizable pay cut...and work longer hours...and pay more for shrinking benefits.