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The Equation: Obama's Climate Legacy

Alden Meyer Union of Concerned Scientists
Fifty or a hundred years from now, the fiscal cliff, the current tensions with Russia, and many other issues that now seem pressing will be remembered dimly, if at all. What will be remembered is whether, as then-Senator Obama said in June of 2008, “this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.” It was an inspiring call to action then; in the wake of the droughts, the wildfires, and hurricane Sandy, it’s even more so now.

Friday Nite Videos -- Feb 1, 2013

Video Moderator Portside
The Yes Men Are Revolting * No Fracking Way * 'They Do Not Like You, Barack Obama' * Newtown ER Doctor Speaks Out

NRA Defends Right to Own Politicians

Andy Borowitz The New Yorker
“Politicians pose no danger to the public if used correctly,” says NRA spokesperson Wayne LaPierre, who claims to have over two hundred politicians in his personal collection.

Dror Moreh's 'The Gatekeepers' Sheds Light On Israel's Shin Bet

John Horn Los Angeles Times
"The importance for me is the message the film gives to the Israeli public. The message is that occupation is bad for the future of Israeli society from all aspects - humanistic, economic, moral, etc. I can assure you that all six former heads and some 95% of my colleagues and workers from the Shin Bet from over three decades all agree with the overall conclusions of the film." -- Carmi Gillon Shin Bet Director 1994 - 1996

Stand Up for Julian Assange - Nobel Prize Winner Calls for Support

Mairead Maguire Common Dreams
Mairead Corrigan Maguire, 1976 Nobel Peace Prize for her work for peace in Northern Ireland, calls for support for Julian Assange. His only crime is that he embarrassed the U.S. and other powerful governments with WikiLeaks' release of documents in which the U.S. military appear to have deliberately killed civilians.

Democracy Imperiled in Greece

The Nation Editors The Nation
Most Greeks want an end to austerity; they also want real reform. The worst outcome for Greece would be the further rollback of workers' rights and the social safety net without a purge of the corrupt elites and their clients in the media, in business and in the unions-a nightmare of exploitation policed by the lads from Golden Dawn. Greece,

Government is Hurting the Economy - by Spending too Little

Ezra Klein Washington Post Wonkblog
In light of the report that the economy contracted in the last quarter of 2012 due partly to cutbacks, Ezra Klein notes that one man's big government socialism is another man's premature and destructive fiscal retrenchment.


Josh Eidelson The American Prospect
Nonunion workers’ groups are gathering strength across the country. But will they ever make the kind of impact that traditional labor once did?