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Help Obama Find His Shoes

Amy Dean In These Times
Progressives need to pressure Obama to stick up for workers as promised..."As Obama begins his second term, Republican obstructionism cannot be an excuse for inaction - particularly when it comes to the president's use of his bully pulpit."

Climate Change Denier Likely to Lead Congressional Science Committee

Christine Gorman Scientific American
Republican Party leaders in the House of Representatives will decide whether Representatives Lamar Smith of Texas, James Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin or Dana Rohrabacher of California will succeed Ralph Hall, also of Texas, as chair of the House Committee. Because of term limits, Hall cannot continue heading the group, which has jurisdiction over energy research...What follows is just a sample of the three would-be chairmen's public statements on climate change:

Letter to Portside Readers

Portside moderators Portside
The tidal wave of bull dukey that accompanied this year's elections was more than matched by progressive analysis and advocacy . . . if you knew where to find it. The fact is that mass struggles impacted every aspect of life in the U.S. in 2012. We hope you found Portside a timely and reliable source of news, left analysis and advocacy not only for domestic issues by for historic events internationally.

How the Left Can Become a True Political Force to Be Reckoned With

Bill Fletcher, Jr. and Carl Davidson AlterNet
We need to assert a new culture of organizing capable of meeting the demands it will place on us, and now is the time to begin...The 2012 elections may prove to have been a watershed in several different respects. Despite the efforts by the political Right to suppress the Democratic electorate, something very strange happened: voters, angered by the attacks on their rights, turned out in even greater force in favor of Democratic candidates.

A Call for President Obama to Change Course on Education

Arthur H. Camins Washington Post
With the election behind us, it is time for the Obama administration to step back from its education policy and access whether its foundation is sound and supported by evidence. It is a moment to summon the courage to change course.

GOP No Longer Behaves Like a Traditional Political Party

Ed Kilgore, James Vega and J.P. Green The Democratic Strategist
It's time to face a harsh reality: the GOP no longer behaves like a traditional American political party. It has become an extremist party. Moderates and sensible conservatives need to firmly reject and condemn this deeply disturbing and dangerous trend.

How Teachers Unions Lead the Way to Better Schools

Amy Dean In These Times - Web Only Feature
Diane Ravitch upends the "bad teachers" narrative...The stakes for our country could not be more profound. The labor movement and the public education system are two critical institutions of American democracy. And they are two that go hand in hand. Teachers unions have played a critical role in advocating for public education, but you'd never know it from mainstream media coverage - there is a great need to lift up this tradition.

Larry Itliong - Forgotten Filipino Labor Leader Initiated 60's Grape Strike

Patricia Leigh Brown New York Times
In 1965, the year his father and 1,000 field laborers - the first wave of Filipinos to the United States, known as manongs - began the grape strike that set the stage for the boycott that would lead Cesar Chavez and thousands of farmworker families to create the nation's pioneering agricultural labor union, the United Farm Workers...On Sept. 8, 1965, Filipino farm workers organized by Mr.Itliong crowded into the Filipino Community Hall, where Filipino elders still gather

A Gold Star for the Chicago Teachers Strike

Karen Lewis and Randi Weingarten Wall Street Journal
After more than a decade of top-down dictates, disruptive school closures, disregard of teachers' and parents' input, testing that squeezes out teaching, and cuts to the arts, physical education and libraries, educators in Chicago said "enough is enough." With strong support from parents and many in the community, teachers challenged a flawed vision of education reform that has not helped schoolchildren in Chicago or around the country. It took a seven-day strike -