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The Never-Ending War on the Woke

Alex Pareene The Forum
For my entire life, white moderates have been complaining about how difficult the people on the side of multiracial democracy are making it for them to win their idealized suburban voters.

Structuring the Economy To Give Money to the Rich Is Inflationary

Dean Baker The Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR)
Policies that give more money to people at the top are inflationary. If we want to help the working class we have to pursue policies that reverse upward redistribution, not promise the return of manufacturing jobs that no longer offer a wage premium.

Where Is the Supreme Court’s “Ordered Liberty” Going?

Stephanie Guilloud Truthout
The abortion ban map is a Southern map. The Supreme Court's 'ordered liberty' judicial vision is rooted there too. But the South is also the birthplace of the Freedom Movement and emancipatory visions.

Hollow Men: All the Cowards of Jan. 6

Juan Cole Informed Comment
Much of the Republican Party has been reduced to quivering protoplasm, whimpering under the lash of Trump’s whiny invective.