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The Dark History of Medicare Privatization

Barbara Caress The American Prospect
Medicare Advantage was supposed to be a money-saver. It’s now become a costly, unaccountable cash cow for private insurance companies that is swallowing traditional Medicare.

Europe for Peace. Stop the war in Ukraine

Gerardo Femina Pressenza International Press Agency
The escalation of the conflict in Ukraine between the United States and its allies, on the one hand, and the Russian Federation, on the other, must be stopped immediately. The consequences of a conflict in Ukraine would be disastrous.

Why Putin Has Such a Hard Time Accepting Ukrainian Sovereignty

Jacob Lassin and Emily Channell-Justice The Conversation
Underpinning Putin’s goal is Russia’s historical view of Ukraine as a part of its greater empire. Understanding this helps explain Putin’s actions, and how he leans into this to advance his agenda.

Toward a New Political Journalism

Robert Edwards The King's Necktie
The “mainstream media” that is so often accused of being left-leaning is in fact painfully neutral and objective to a fault...that fault being an addiction to false equivalences and an inability and/or unwillingness to call a spade a spade.

Is All This "Polarization" a Cause or a Symptom?

Frances Moore Lappe Common Dreams
Mistrust of government and the tensions between segments of society have been intentionally constructed and aggravated. Once you recognize that, the solutions to the crises we truly face become more clear.

Striking Massachusetts Nurses Outwait Corporate Giant Tenet

Sarah Hughes Labor Notes
In a year of health care workers organizing amid Covid surges and staffing shortages, St. Vincent nurses stood out for their willingness to strike indefinitely and for the discipline the strikers showed.

Cryptocurrency Is a Giant Ponzi Scheme

Sohale Andrus Mortazavi Jacobin
Cryptocurrency is not merely a bad investment or speculative bubble. It’s worse than that: it’s a full-on fraud.