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Portside's Annual Fund Appeal

The threat to the survival of our democracy is clear: a would-be dictator and a cultist political party. A truly multiracial, inclusive, radical democratic movement that has a vision beyond capitalism is key. You can help.

UC Recognizes Student Researchers United Union of 17K Workers

Emma Taila The Daily Californian
“This is the single biggest new union filing in any industry, definitely this year if not this decade,” said UC Berkeley student researcher Tanzil Chowdhury. “Seventeen thousand new workers just joined the labor movement, which is historic.”

The U.S. Experience: Racism and COVID-19 Mortality

Marty Hart-Landsberg Reports from the Economic Front
A recently published study, found that if everyone living in the United States, aged 25 years or older, died of COVID-19 at the same rate as college-educated non-Hispanic white people did in 2020, 48 percent fewer people would have died.

AOC in Conversation With Noam Chomsky: The Way Forward

Laura Flanders interviewing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Noam Chimsky Jacobin
At 93, Noam Chomsky is the most important leftist intellectual alive. At 32, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is one of our most important leftist elected officials. The two recently spoke about our prospects for winning a better world.

This Is What Happens When Workers Don’t Control Their Own Lives

Jamelle Bouie New York Times
For a vast majority of Americans democracy ends when work hours begin. Most people in this country are subject, as workers, to the nearly unmediated authority of their employers, which can discipline, sanction or fire them for nearly any reason

How the US Government Segregated America

H. Patricia Hynes Portside
The Federal Housing Administration, created in 1934 during the New Deal, forced newly built suburbs to be racially exclusive through guaranteeing whites-only mortgages. This, and subsequent policies, were major drivers of racial wealth disparity.