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The Uncomfortable Truths of American Spaceflight

Marina Koren The Atlantic
The Artemis program didn’t transpire because a bunch of lunar scientists got together in a room and decided to do it; it exists because Trump sought to bolster his presidential legacy.

Countries Strike Deal at COP26 Climate Summit

Sam Meredith CNBC
“This does not bring hope to our hearts, but serves as yet another conversation where we put our homes on the line while those who have other options decide how quickly they want to act to save those who don’t,”

Actually, Joe Biden Was Elected to Be FDR

Michael Tomasky The New Republic
Abigail Spanberger is wrong: Biden campaigned explicitly by comparing his ideas to the New Deal. That’s what millions of people voted for.

Danny Glover: Still Marching to a Different Drummer

Steve Early and Suzanne Gordon Counterpunch
Danny Glover, Sam Underwood and Prema Cruz star in this dramatic portrayal of the interwoven stories of three veterans that reveal the traumatic effects of war on the psyches of different generations.