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Bolivia Shows us What is Possible

Ken Livingstone Morning Star
Bolivia’s rapid social progress under a left-wing government and ability to suffer a right-wing coup then overcome it through mass mobilisation is a source of hope and optimism for the international left.

How TV Lied About Abortion

Tanya Melendez Vox
For decades, dramatized plot lines about unwanted and unexpected pregnancies helped create our real-world abortion discourse.

Occupation Failed Afghanistan. Our Struggle for Freedom Continues.

Malalai Joya Il Manifesto
The only way to save Afghanistan is solidarity of the progressive, democratic and secular forces. We want an Afghanistan free from fundamentalists and foreign intervention, in which men and women have equal rights based on democracy.

Friday Nite Videos | October 15, 2021

The Real Reason the Economy Might Collapse | Robert Reich. Children’s Author Tells the True Story of Columbus’ Exploits. The Last Time the Globe Warmed. Fruits of Labor | PBS. The End of Oil, Explained | Vox + Netflix.

Why It’s High Time to Move on From ‘Just-in-Time’ Supply Chains

Kim Moody The Guardian
This logistical model is the engine of breakneck capitalism. But its fragility is now being exposed. Decades of deregulation, privatisation and market worship have left society vulnerable to the unbidden force of “just-in-time” supply chains.