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Who’s the Real Wolf?

Kevin Okoth London Review of Books
A review of Claude McKay's "Romance in Marseille"

Occupy Wall Street, 10 years later

Molly Crabapple New York Review of Books
A decade ago, a grassroots anticapitalist movement burst on the scene, galvanizing people with its slogan “We are the 99 percent.” It changed me, and many others, but how much did it change the world?

The Other Pandemic

Evangeline Lawson The Progressive
I am forty-two years old. The struggle to end HIV/AIDS pretty much spans my entire life. This year, in fact, marks forty years since the first case was reported in the United States on June 5, 1981.

Democrats’ Free Pass on Immigration Is Over

Caitlin Dickerson Atlantic Monthly
As he extends Trump-era policies, President Biden discovers that many voters are no longer willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

How Much Water Do You Actually Need?

Christie Aschwanden New York Times
“Stay hydrated” has become a new version of the old salutation, “Stay well.” Here’s how to know when you truly need to hydrate.

21 Million Americans Say Trump Should Be Restored by Violence

Robert A. Pape The Conversation
On Jan. 6, a mob took clear direction from Donald Trump and other political leaders to turn dangerous sentiments into violent reality. But the movement itself is larger and more complex than many people might like to think.