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The Problem With Talking About Israeli Apartheid

Amira Hass Haaretz
We should be grateful that the title “apartheid,” to denote the Israeli regime between the river and the sea, is becoming more and more common and legitimate...A dynamic, active and dangerous dimension of it is Jewish settler colonialism.

Armed Afghan Women Take to Streets in Show of Defiance Against Taliban

Emma Graham-Harrison in Kabul The Guardian
Women have taken up guns in northern and central Afghanistan, marching in the streets in their hundreds and sharing pictures of themselves with assault rifles on social media, in a show of defiance as the Taliban make sweeping gains nationwide.

The Tokyo Olympics Are In Peril

Dave Zirin Edge of Sports
The masses of Tokyo want to postpone or cancel the games, but the government says it’s the IOC’s decision, not the host country’s. If the Olympics go on, it will be the ultimate negation of its alleged purpose: profit trumping the joy of sport.

Amazon Transformed Seattle. Now, Its Workers Are Poised to Take It Back.

E. Tammy Kim The New York Times
A growing segment of the general population now recognizes the threat of “Amazon capitalism”: what scholars describe as reflecting “the larger global trend of the increasing influence of finance capitalism, neoliberal politics and corporate power."