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The Far Right in Uniform: How Extreme Is the U.S. Military?

Nan Levinson TomDispatch
A military is, of course, innately hierarchical, authoritarian, and adversarial, and war, by definition, is terror. There is an inheritance of violence in our increasingly militarized land that ought to concern us all, too.

The Long Road to Nuclear Justice for the Marshallese People

Olivia Paschal Facing South
U.S. nuclear testing resulted in entire islands vaporized and others uninhabitable due to radioactive fallout, displacing thousands of Marshallese people — many of whom out of necessity now live in the country whose government uprooted them...

Country Catching Up to Bernie Sanders’ Way of Thinking

Jeff Robbins Boston Herald
Today it’s clear that on issue after issue, Sanders’ thunder on the left has carried the day among a majority of Americans, including substantial numbers of Republicans. Conservative attacks on Sanders-style proposals are increasingly falling flat.

The Hawks Who Want War With Iran Are Working Overtime

Ariel Gold, Medea Benjamin Jacobin
The cyberattack on an Iranian nuclear facility, reportedly by Israeli intelligence, is the latest gambit from the coalition of Israeli leaders, Christian fundamentalists, and hawkish Washington neocons who want to block a US return to the JCPOA

Paulo Freire’s Brazil: ‘Return to Grassroots Popular Education’

Paolo Vittoria Il Manifesto Global
If we want real change, we need to return to the grassroots work of popular education. Transformation only happens if the popular sectors organize and mobilize to go beyond this system that generates poverty, misery, hunger, inequality.