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Tidbits - Dec. 24, 2020 - Reader Comments: Trump Pardons; Abolition, Prison Labor; COVID Relief; Space Wars; Georgia; Cultural Jobs; Postal Workers; DSA’s Abstentionism; Labor’s Untold Story; Nurses; Workers’ Education; Resources; Announcements; ....

Reader Comments: Trump Pardons; Abolition, Prison Labor; COVID Relief; Space Wars; Georgia; Cultural Jobs Lost; Postal Workers; Native Treaty Rights; DSA’s Abstentionism; Labor’s Untold Story; Nurses; Workers’ Education; Resources; Announcements;...

Don’t Subject Your Kids to Rudolph

Caitlin Flanagan The Atlantic
The world is bleak enough as it is. Of all the disturbing things in Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, nothing competes with Donner’s rejection of his son. Donner is horrified by the nose.

Naomi Osaka: Athletes, Speak Up

Naomi Osaka New York Times
We’re affected by bias and racism, just like everyone else. Musicians sing and write about social movements all the time. Actors voice their opinions. Yet when it comes to athletes, we are often met with criticism for expressing our opinions.

Putting a Nightmare Behind Us - What Next

Where do we go when we succeed in putting a nightmare -- two nightmares -- behind us? Toward something. We must advance toward a truly multiracial, inclusive, radical democracy or we will have no democracy at all.

Trump Is Guilty of Sedition and Must Be Brought to Justice

Sasha Abramsky The Nation
He’s violating his oath to protect the Constitution, and every day that he’s allowed to remain in power, the threat to our democracy grows. There are constitutional provisions to remove such a person from power.

2.7 Million Jobs in the Arts Have Been Lost Since the Pandemic Began

Sasha Abramsky Truthout
To allow millions of workers in the arts to end up jobless – and permit the breakdown of the institutional infrastructure that makes the performance and showcasing of art possible— would leave this country culturally impoverished for years to come.

A Tale of Two Elections: U.S. and Bolivia

Mark Weisbrot Counterpunch
While Trump's coup attempt flounders, Bolivia's 2019 right-wing coup succeeded with support from the U.S. and the U.S.-dominated Organization of American States (OAS) until it was overturned in last month's election.