Our resources to ensure those individuals are tested are even more compromised in this era. Reaching the undiagnosed is even more challenging, difficult and unlikely to happen.
Were the Supreme Court to validate Trump’s position in either case, or decline to decide the cases, it would stymie Congress and force it to seek enforcement by arresting those who refused to honor their subpoenas.
Sending students, professors, and workers back to campus, amid a pandemic, because colleges and universities need the cash, is a statement of bankruptcy more profound than any balance sheet could ever tally.
This pandemic calls for us to challenge our militarized notion of security. There is ample evidence that a militarized response will further criminalize marginalized communities of color who are often targets of over-policing and imprisonment.
The Trump Administration continues to strip away environmental protections in the face of the pandemic. But Trump isn’t the first to try to use emergencies to implement regressive policies, and history shows that the people can fight back — and win.
On the rise and fall (for now) of Operation Car Wash’s patron in Brazil, former judge and now former Bolsonaro minister of Justice Sergio Moro. Is the judge who convicted former President Lula da Silva positioning himself to run for President?
The White House will reach for a corporate bailout, but now’s the opportunity to move away from oil extraction and build a rational system of clean energy.
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