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Reality Has Endorsed Bernie Sanders

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor The New Yorker
The case has never been clearer for a transition to Medicare for All, but its achievement clashes with the Democratic Party’s decades-long hostility to funding the social-welfare state.

“Stay Home and Have the Baby”

Jenny Brown Jacobin
pregnant woman wearing mask
Texas and Ohio have ordered a stop to abortions, saying they’re not essential medical services. Other states will follow. Right-wing forces are using the pandemic as a pretext to crack down dramatically on abortion rights. We can’t let them.

COVID-19 and Circuits of Capital

Rob Wallace, Alex Liebman, Luis Fernando Chaves and Rodrick Wallace Monthly Review
The way out is nothing short of birthing a world (or perhaps more along the lines of returning back to Earth). It will also help solve—sleeves rolled up—many of our most pressing problems.

Chicagoans Readying for Rent Strike

Ariel Cheung Chicago Tribune
Calling on city and landlords to provide relief amid coronavirus pandemic: ‘The hammer is going to drop’