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We Are Entering a Recession – But What Did We Learn From the Last One?

Ken-Hou Lin and Megan Neely The Conversation
Government can either decide to continue the “trickle-down” approach to first protect banks, corporations and their investors with monetary stimuli, or can learn from the New Deal and provide support directly to the most fragile communities

Fox Endangers Viewers. Pence Says, 'Thank You.'

Max Gertz Media Matters for America
Polls show Fox viewers are much less likely to take the virus seriously than people who get their news from more credible sources. But the Trump administration is happy with the network’s spin, which prioritizes Trump's political standing.

The Coronavirus Might Kill Fracking

Alexander Sammon The American Prospect
The last recession brought us the fracking boom, but this one might end our addiction to cheap oil

Friday Nite Videos | March 20, 2020

Pandumbic | The Daily Show. How Coronavirus Kills and How It Can Be Treated. The Technical Term Is 'Shitshow'. Lack of Paid Sick Leave Will Make Coronavirus Worse. The Coronavirus Explained & What You Should Do.

The U.S. `Six Party System' 4.0: Revising the Hypothesis Again

Carl Davidson Organizing Upgrade
Setting aside the traditional `two-party system' frame, which obscures far more than it reveals, and making use of a `six-party' model instead. The new hypothesis, I suggested, had far more explanatory power regarding the events unfolding before us.

Coronavirus and the `Shock Doctrine'

Sam Pizzigati, Sarah Anderson OtherWords
Powerful interests used the Great Recession to hardwire more inequality into our system. This time, let's do the opposite. The coronavirus crisis also gives us an opportunity to use the public purse to shift our economy towards greater equity...