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The New U.S. Maternal Mortality Rate Fails to Capture Many Deaths

Nina Martin ProPublica
Since 2007, the government had held off on releasing an official estimate of expectant and new mothers who died from causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. It waited for the data to get better. But the new, long-anticipated number falls short.

The Torture Machine, Racism and Violence in Chicago

Jeff Haas and Dennis Cunningham The National Lawyers Guild
Takes the reader from the 1969 murders of Black Panther Party chairman Fred Hampton and Panther Mark Clark—and the historic, thirteen-years of litigation that followed—through the dogged pursuit of commander Jon Burge, leader of CPD torture squad.

The NCAA Conglomerate: A Call to Advance the Rights of College Athletes

Ramogi Huma National College Players Association
Michael Krzyzewski and Derryck Thornton, one of his student athletes. .
Ramogi Huma, is the Executive Director of the National College Players Association and a former football player at UCLA. What follows is his testimony, February 11, 2020 before US Senate Subcommittee on Manufacturing, Trade, and Consumer Protection.

Election 2020: Transformation or Stability?

Ruth Conniff The Progressive
Whether a Democrat beats Trump or not, we are going to need a movement of people who recognize their common interests, and join together to fight for them. It’s the only way we will save what’s left of our planet, our civil society, and ourselves.

The 120th Anniversary of Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing

Imani Perry The Crisis Magazine
Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing is a reminder of the solidarity, commitment and community that African Americans forged to not merely survive in this nation, but to create beauty in the face of persistent injustice.