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Why Do We Laugh?

Sabrina Stierwalt Scientific American
We laugh even before we can speak, but why? Science has some answers to the mystery of human laughter, and some of them might surprise you

February 2020: A Very Busy Month for Europe’s Extremist Right

Michael Colborne OpenDemocracy
Far-right demonstration in Cologne, Germany.
This month the most extremist elements of Europe’s radical right will mobilize in marches, concerts, and remembrances of the defeat of Nazi Germany. They are also hoping an election in Slovakia, will provide them with a victory at the ballot box.

The Inversion of Human Rights in Brazil

Jacob Blanc NACLA
A dictatorship-era torturer is suing one of his victims in Brazil in a stark reminder of how Bolsonaro emboldens rights abusers.

U.S. Deploys a New Nuclear Weapon

William Arkin and Amy Goodwin Democracy Now!
Risk of Nuclear War Rises as U.S. Deploys a New Nuclear Weapon for the First Time Since the Cold War

Israel as Palestine: One State Is Not the Solution, But It Is the Reality

Ian S. Lustick History News Network
The two-state solution is no longer a viable political objective or a useful plan for thinking about the problem. Officially, however, it is still honored, even by those who privately know the truth. It is, in effect, a “Dead Solution Walking.”

Why Impeachment Was Not a Mistake

Robert Kuttner The American Prospect
Republican devotion to the Great Dictator held. Trump is gloating. But impeachment responded to a challenge to democracy that had to be answered.