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How Britain Helped Iran’s Islamic Regime Destroy Its Left-Wing Opposition

Mark Curtis and Phil Miller Daily Maverick
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Iran’s first Supreme Leader
According to declassified files, in 1983 Britain (and the CIA) helped Iran’s new Islamic regime crush the last opposition to its rule, providing information that was used to arrest and execute hundreds of members of Iran’s communist Tudeh Party.

Maryland State Senate Panel Briefed on Disparity in Incarceration

Hannah Gaskill Maryland Matters
While only 31% of Maryland residents are black, more than 70% of Maryland’s prison population is black, a percentage that is more than twice the national average. And about 80% of people serving 10 years or more in Maryland prisons are black.

Defender and Spearheads

Victor Grossman Berlin Bulletin 172
“If you want peace you must prepare for war," - despite its history, support for a growing and aggressive military finds many such rationalizations in today's Germany. Meanwhile, the peace movement continues to demand base closures.

An Open Letter to the Green Party About 2020 Election Strategy

Noam Chomsky and others Portside
Why reject a safe states strategy? Some might claim doing so can't help Trump win again or that Trump's re-election would not matter all that much. We hope that no one in 2020 will make such irresponsible and patently false claims.

Ancient African Genomes Offer Glimpse Into Early Human History

Ewen Callaway Nature
Today, people in sub-Saharan Africa are the most genetically diverse in the world. Newly deciphered genomes of four African children who died between 4 and 10 thousand years ago have some surprising implications for the period before then, and since.