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The PPC Demands National Debate on Poverty

The Poor People's Campaign The Poor People's Campaign
Poor People's Campaign demonstration
When 250,000 people die every year from poverty, it is time for the presidential candidates to make good on the promises they made during the Poor People’s Campaign Moral Action Congress in June 2019 to push for a debate on poverty.

Revolutionary Mexico in Chicago

Justin Akers Chacón Monthly Review
In Chicago, Mexican workers formed the ranks of a proletariat that drew from these historical experiences and contemporary events in Mexico, moving into left politics and communist-led U.S. labor unions during the years of the Great Depression.

This MLK Day, Remember Emmett Till and Voter Suppression

Jhacova Williams Economic Policy Institute
The prevailing belief of the circumstances surrounding 14-year-old Emmett Till’s killing is that he was accused of whistling at a white woman. Yet, the truth is he was lynched as an act of voter intimidation.

The Teamster Revolt Against the Hoffa Era

David Levin Jacobin
After years of givebacks and autocratic leadership under James Hoffa Jr, the power of the Teamsters has withered. Rank-and-file activists are mobilizing against contract concessions, taking over locals and building a coalition to transform the union.

Hindu Nationalists are Transforming India into an Israel-style Ethnostate

Abdulla Moaswes +972 Magazine
Indians protest against the Citizenship Amendment Act
The Citizenship Amendment Act is the latest repressive step the Indian government has taken against the country’s Muslim minority. By making religion a condition of citizenship, the act is devised to transform India into a Hindutva version of Israel.

The Drive to Pass the Equal Rights Amendment, Explained

Anna North Vox
Virginia has voted to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment. Although obstacles still exist, it bolsters activism for gender equality. And it marks a profound change in Virginia, a state that in the past had often been on the wrong side of history.