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No Final Defeat

Tom Blackburn New Socialist
This might be a moment of political desolation for the socialist left in Britain, but those revelling in their apparent triumph have no answers to the problems we face. The struggle for social transformation in this country must continue.

The Sardines are a Wakeup Call for the Left

Norma Rangeri Il Manifesto Global
It is as if the people as a democratic entity have just awakened from their slumber, casting aside the weight of a feeling of powerlessness and depression. They are giving us a priceless Christmas present: a shot of real positivity.

How Trump Lost an Evangelical Stalwart

Emma Green The Atlantic
The editor in chief of Christianity Today explains his scathing editorial about the president’s behavior—and the damage he argues his fellow Christians are doing to the Gospel.

Portside Message: A Holiday Like No Other

This holiday season is truly different. Alongside the festivities, battle lines have been drawn. The survival of democracy is at stake. We ask readers for their support once a year. If you like what we do, this is the time to support Portside.

Plan for a Global Green New Deal

Cell Press
An updated vision of the steps that 143 countries around the world can take to attain 100% clean, renewable energy by the year 2050

Trump’s Pal Tulsi

Harold Meyerson The American Prospect
Tulsi continues to play to the credulous wing of the left

Friday Nite Videos | 12-20-19: Holiday Music Special

"Once Upon Impeachment," A Late Show Animated Christmas Classic. Otis Taylor | Resurrection Blues. Bob Dylan | Long Ago, Far Away. Don McLean | Vincent ( Starry, Starry Night). Bob Marley | Get Up Stand Up.

Tidbits - Dec. 19, 2019 - Reader Comments: Impeachment Accomplished; British elections, Brexit; New NAFTA; Afghanistan Papers; China's Socialism; 2020 Candidate positions on Foreign Policy issues; Sanctions Fact Sheets; Announcements; more

Reader Comments: Impeachment Matters and Accomplished; British elections, Brexit; New NAFTA; Afghanistan Papers; China's Socialism; Resources: 2020 Candidate positions (or not) Foreign Policy Report; Sanctions Fact Sheets; Announcments; more...