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On the Clock and Off

Peter Shapiro Jacobin
Latino union demonstrators
As leftists debate what their labor strategy should look like, many are turning to the rank-and-file strategy. A longtime union activist reflects on a lifetime of struggle in the rank and file.

Ian Angus on the Politics of Ecosocialism

Ian Angus Rebel
Rebel interviews Ian Angus — editor of the journal Climate & Capitalism, and author of Facing the Anthropocene: Fossil Capitalism and the Crisis of the Earth, about the pressing need to develop the politics of ecosocialism in the world today.

Inside the White Supremacist Movement

Joe Sexton ProPublica
Michael German, a former federal agent, spent years infiltrating white supremacist groups. Here’s what he has to say about what’s going on now.

Why People Hate Religion

Timothy Egan New York Times
The charlatans and phonies preen and punish, while those of real faith do Christ’s work among refugees

5 Reasons for Workers to Celebrate This Labor Day

Rebecca Burns Working In These Times
The U.S. labor movement is under siege by powerful anti-union forces, including the Trump administration. But with approval of unions at a 15-year high, and a wave of labor militancy on the rise, working people have plenty to celebrate.

Friday Nite Videos | August 30, 2019

The CEO Helping to Burn the Amazon for Profit. Movie | Official Secrets. The History of the Universe in the Blink of an Eye. Enron - The Biggest Fraud in History. Climate Activist Greta Thunberg, 16, Arrives in NY After Sailing the Atlantic.

Tidbits - Aug. 29, 2019 - Reader Comments: Sanders Political Revolution; Global Authoritarianism; Immigrant Workers; Jews Disloyal; David Koch; Puerto Rico; Kashmir; Neoliberalism; Socialist Labor Activism; Climate Strike; Fall Calendar;

Reader Comments: Sanders Political Revolution; Global Authoritarianism; White Supremacy and Terrorism; Immigrant Workers; Jews Disloyal ?!?; David Koch; Puerto Rico; Kashmir; Neoliberalism; Socialist Labor Activism; Climate Strike; Fall Calendar;