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Trump's Trade War Could Make the Trump Recession a Reality

John Cassidy The New Yorker
The longer Donald Trump persists in his trade war, the greater the chances are of an outright slump developing. That is what the financial markets are telling us, also the implicit message from the Federal Reserve.

`The Squad' Is the Future of the Democratic Party

Barbara Ransby The New York Times
The squad understands that "diversity" is meaningless if the measure of success is "sameness." The congresswomen are choosing to do politics a different way because they recognize that Congress has never worked for their communities.

Shameful, Unprecedented Move - Israel Bans Omar and Tlaib; Reactions of Politicians, Foreign Policy Experts, MPower Change; J Street; U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights; What You Can Do

Alex Henderson; MPower Change; J Street; U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights AlterNet
Banning Congresswomen Omar and Tlaib from entering Israel and Palestine is a sign of enormous disrespect to these elected leaders, to the Congress, and to principles of democracy. Reactions: Sanders, Warren, Nadler, MPower Change, J Street, and AIPAC

Media Bits and Bytes - August 13, 2019

Twitter; Whitewashing the Shootings; That Times Headline; Warren for Net Accessibility; Schmucker; Facebook and Surveillance; Cops Propagandize Online

Socialists of Color to the Front

Eli Day In These Times
LeftRoots co-founder NTanya Lee
LeftRoots, a socialist group with majorities of women and people of color, is strategizing to win.