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Exploitation of Migrant Workers: The Hidden Face of Germany's Construction Sites

Rachel Knaebel Equal Times
A growing number of German construction and public works companies are using labor subcontractors. They are not genuine construction firms. They look like it on paper, but their only activity is to supply labour at a low cost. They often only pay wages for the first few months. They then stop paying and expect the workers to keep going until the job is finished, in the hopes that they will be paid at the end of the contract.

AFSCME Relocating Conference Out Of 'Disgust' Of Religious Liberty Law

Daniel Strauss TPM
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees President Lee Saunders announced AFSCME was relocating its 2015 National Women's Conference from Indiana out of disgust at its passage of a Religious Liberty Law. He called it an un-American law.

Movement to Increase McDonald's Minimum Wage Broadens Its Tactics

Steven Greenhouse The New York Times
While the fast-food movement may not be close to persuading McDonald’s to adopt a $15 minimum wage, even the campaign’s critics acknowledge it has achieved some of its goals by prompting a national debate about low-wage work and nudging various cities and states to raise their minimum wage.

Movement to Increase McDonald's Minimum Wage Broadens Its Tactics

Steven Greenhouse The New York Times
While the fast-food movement may not be close to persuading McDonald’s to adopt a $15 minimum wage, even the campaign’s critics acknowledge it has achieved some of its goals by prompting a national debate about low-wage work and nudging various cities and states to raise their minimum wage.

Baja Labor Leaders Learned Tactics from Their Efforts in U.S.

Richard Marosi Los Angeles Times
A major agricultural labor action is entering its second week in Mexico, where such walkouts are rare. But workers report that they gained experience in the US - via the Coalition of Immokalee Workers in Florida, or with the UFW on the west coast - and those lessons helped inspire workers to organize and fight for their rights in Mexico.

UNITE HERE’s New Pro-Rahm Emanuel Ads Gush “Rahm Love” for “Mayor 1%”

MICAH UETRICHT Working In These Times
Of the numerous problems Rahm Emanuel is facing in his campaign for reelection as Chicago's mayor, two in particular stand out. One, Emanuel is widely perceived as anti-worker and anti-union while being a close ally to the city's financial elites. (He used to work as an investment banker, after all.) Two, he's widely acknowledged as being a jerk. The hospitality workers union UNITE HERE Local 1 has a solution: an ad campaign with workers emphasizing "Rahm Love."

Cesar Chavez, the UFW, and Why Unions are Needed

Duane E. Campbell Talking Union
The movement led by Cesar Chavez , Dolores Huerta and others created a union and reduced the oppression of farm workers for a time. Then the corporations and the Right Wing forces adapted their strategies of oppression. The assault on the UFW and the current reconquest of power in the fields are examples of strategic racism, that is a system of racial oppression created and enforced because it benefits the over class -- in this case corporate agriculture.

Adjuncts Struggle to Unionize at a Liberal College

Michelle M. Tokarczyk Working Class Perspectives
Adjuncts make up about 70% of the American professoriate. Adjuncts usually make $20,000–$25,000 a year, often by teaching courses at various institutions each semester. They have no job security, and frequently receive no health or retirement benefits. But they have begun fighting to improve their lot. SEIU is organizing in several states.