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A New App Is Taking Labor Unions Out of Union Organizing

Lauren Kaori Gurley A New App Is Taking Labor Unions Out of Union Organizing
Unit is among several new digital platforms that aim to ease the unionization process and empower workers to stand up to their bosses, but some union organizers have their doubts.

The Downward Path We’ve Trod: Reflections on an Ominous Anniversary

Joseph A. McCartin Working-Class Perspectives
The undermining of workers’ strike power since PATCO's defeat disabled what was a vital instrument for building and maintaining social solidarity and for directing inevitable class tensions and social conflict toward democratic and egalitarian ends.

Amazon? There Has to be a Better Way

WADE RATHKE Stansbury Forum
Van parked on a street.  Amazon walking towards a house to deliver a package.n
We have continued to practice organizing models that are not designed to organize the emerging monopolies and mass employment enterprises of these times.

Trumka Dies Leaving the American Labor Movement at a Crossroads

Steve Wishnia
Trumka's death deprives the labor movement of a central figure at a time when a resurgence of union activity has brought hope of undoing the defeats of the past decade and the decline of union membership, particularly in the private sector.