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Building Class Power by Fighting for the Common Good

Stephanie Luce Organizing Upgrade
"Mapping for the Common Good" is a tool for unions to map contracts and line up contract campaigns for more leverage. Bargaining for the Common Good combines union power with community demands in a way that can build class power.

Building Class Power by Fighting for the Common Good

Stephanie Luce Organizing Upgrade
"Mapping for the Common Good" is a tool for unions to map contracts and line up contract campaigns for more leverage. Bargaining for the Common Good combines union power with community demands in a way that can build class power.

The ABC’s Of Google’s New Union

Clarissa Redwine Popular
An explainer on non-contract unions, how workers at Alphabet are using this structure to build and maintain power, and why you should too.

Labor Denounces Coup Attempt

We are witnessing one of the greatest assaults on our democracy since the Civil War,” tweeted AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka. Union leaders throughout the country denounced the coup attempt and attack on the Constitution.

Google Workers Have Formed the Company's First-Ever Union

Brian Fung CNN
The union's formation comes after years of rising employee tensions at Google over the company's practices, including its work with the defense sector, plans for a censored search engine in China, and handling of sexual misconduct claims.