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The Radical Guidebook Embraced by Google Workers and Uber Drivers

Noam Scheiber The New York Times
Technology and ride-hailing workers embrace lessons from a book based on ideas associated with a labor group, the IWW, from the early 20th century. The book has provided a blueprint for organizing collective power without a formal union.

Religious Freedom: Freedom to Discriminate?

Ken Estey Working Class Perspectives
The Trump Administration is arguing at the Supreme Court that employers should be able to fire LGBTQ workers. If religion can be used to deny workers rights as individuals, it can be used to upend the struggle for collective rights and dignity.

The Return of the Strike

Sarah Jaffe The Progressive
The picketing GM workers and impending Chicago Teachers Union action suggest a dramatic revival of striking as a tactic.

The Powerful New Idea in Elizabeth Warren’s Labor Platform

Shaun Richman In These Times
The biggest innovation in Warren’s platform is a private right of action in the federal courts against employers. The biggest disappointment of Warren’s labor plan is her studious avoidance of a just cause right to your job, as Sanders has proposed.

Southern Worker Strikes Show The Power of Solidarity

Connor Harney Liberation News
49,000 United Auto Worker members went on strike on Sept. 16 against General Motors, in the largest walkout there since 2007. While most plants are in the Midwest, they are also in Texas, Kentucky, Kansas, Tennessee and Missouri.

Canadian Unions and a Green New Deal

Chloe Rockarts RankandFile.CA
The role of unions in building towards a just transition must fit the scale of the crisis. Labour has an opportunity to use the platform of a Green New Deal to demand publicly owned services and large-scale job creation.