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I Work with Mark Janus. Here’s How He Benefits from a Strong Union.

Donnie Killen Labor Notes
I’m nervously awaiting the Supreme Court ruling in Janus v. AFSCME Council 31, which would weaken public sector unions by letting workers receive the benefits of representation without contributing toward the cost. But I’ve got a unique vantage point: I work in the same building as the plaintiff.

Human Bus Drivers Will Always Be Better Than Robot Bus Drivers

Tracey Lindeman Motherboard
“We have regular emergencies on the buses,” said John Samuelsen, president of the Transport Workers Union. “Folks have heart attacks on buses, children get lost on buses. Every aspect of life in America, the bus and subway are microcosms of it. A robot’s not going to help."

The Outcome in Arizona

Eric Blanc,Rebecca Garelli, Noah Karvelis, Dylan Wegela Jacobin
After six days of striking, Arizona educators are returning to work. Jacobin spoke with three strike leaders to assess the settlement.