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Teachers Union Caucuses Gather to Swap Strategies

Gillian Russom and Samantha Winslow Labor Notes
With teachers facing similar attacks in school districts across the country, it makes sense to share strategies for fighting back. That’s the goal of the United Caucuses of Rank-and-File Educators (UCORE), a growing network of locals and caucuses within the teachers unions.

Workers May Have Just Killed Missouri’s Right to Work Law

Jeff Schuhrke Working In These Times
Though the law is set to take effect on August 28, the pro-union We Are Missouri coalition, led by the Missouri AFL-CIO, says it has collected enough signatures from voters to call for a state-wide referendum in November 2018 that could nullify the legislation.

Racism in Charlottesville: CBTU Statement on Unite the Right Rally

Rev. Terry Melvin CBTU
Trump has been apt to condemn and mock anyone he finds offensive. He has no problem commenting on women bleeding, but has no comment when someone is bleeding from being hit by a car. His lack of commentary is indicative of his relationship to the white racists. While I do not believe all those who support this president are racist, I do believe all racists support this president. His lack of actions and words have reinforced this fact.

The Racist Origins of Right to Work

Michael Pierce Labor Notes
As alt-right and white supremacist movements grow it is important to revisit history and see the ways in which most hate movements are intertwined.

A Working-Class Strategy for Defeating White Supremacy

Gabriel Kristal In These Times
To advance anti-racism on the macro scale, we need to collectively engage in popular struggle, rooted in a left platform that is relevant and intuitive for poor and working people. There should be an immediate creation of a hopeful, broad-based mission that is winnable, which will serve to expand the resistance movement and create an organized majority to kill pernicious nationalism, masquerading as populism.

Murphy Oil May Be The Last Workers’ Rights Case

Celine McNicholas Economic Policy Institute
The NLRB has found these forced arbitration agreements interfere with workers’ right to engage in concerted activity for their mutual aid and protection, in violation of the NLRA.

‘Imagine If Migrant Workers Had Labor Rights’

Tula Connell Solidarity Center
Women in migration are not ‘vulnerable,’ in need of ‘rescue’—they are advocates and agents of change. Current migration policies must be changed from being about ‘protecting women’ to ‘protecting women’s rights. The rights of capital to move freely across borders is unchallenged. There must be a commensurate expansion of the rights of migrant workers forced to cross borders.

UAW President: My Union Suffered Some Setbacks, Here's What We're Doing About Them

Denis Williams Detroit Free Press
"The union I am privileged to lead suffered two troubling events this past week. First, a former high-ranking UAW official, now deceased, was implicated in an indictment from the Department of Justice accusing him and other co-conspirators of misappropriating funds from the UAW-Chrysler National Training Center (NTC). Second, workers at Nissan’s Canton, Miss. plant voted against unionizing."