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Fast Food Walkouts Fight Inequality

Ruth Milkman CNN
The fast food strikes could be the embryo of a new labor movement that challenges the power of organized money and the skyrocketing inequality that has made the American middle class an endangered species.

ALEC at 40: Turning Back the Clock on Prosperity and Progress

PRW Staff Center for Medai and Democracy
Today, the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) released a new report: "ALEC at 40: Turning Back the Clock on Prosperity and Progress." The report identifies and analyzes 466 American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) bills introduced in 2013.

UFCW to Rejoin AFL-CIO

Associated Press Washington Post
The 1.3 million member United Food and Commercial Workers Union will rejoin the AFL-CIO after an 8 year hiatus with the Change to Win labor federation. The UFCW will become the AFL-CIO's largest private sector affiliate and bring the labor federation's membership to about 13 million.

Labor Unions At Another Crossroad

Bill Fletcher, Jr
At the AFL-CIO annual convention next week community based organizations will be invited to attend and participate in the proceedings. This is a first and it is good news. However when the convention ends what is needed is not just good resolutions but a commitment to action.

Labor union 'raids' on rise as rivals seek to boost membership, Clout

Alana Semuels Los Angeles Times
In the face of a steadily declining labor movement, unions are increasingly battling one another, devoting resources to gaining members from rivals rather than focusing on the 88.2% of the workforce that is not unionized. Recent "raids"have been especially big with tens of thousands of members at stake. They've become easier to carry off because many unions don't just represent one profession anymore, and can rationalize expanding into rival turf.

Book Revidew - Hardhats for Peace

Michael Hirsch The Indypendent
A new book by Penny Lewis offers valuable insight into the true nature of the movement to end the war in Vietnam.

Book Revidew - Hardhats for Peace

Michael Hirsch The Indypendent
A new book by Penny Lewis offers valuable insight into the true nature of the movement to end the war in Vietnam.

Members-Only Collective Bargaining, Get Ready For an Old Concept with a New Use

Charles Morris
It is especially important that the AFL-CIO and other participants in American labor relations become better acquainted with the concept of members-only collective bargaining because the National Labor Relations Board will likely be considering that process in the near future.