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My name [Inaudible.]

Patricia Mona Eng Rattle
Responding to the shootings in Atlanta’s Gold Spa, poet Patricia Mona Eng uses online quotes of the shooter against the 911 recordings of the Asian woman calling for help.

The Gatekeeper: Charting Paul Krugman’s Economics Turn for the Better

Adam Tooze London Review of Books
A systemic look at the evolving intellectual career of New York Times economics writer and Nobel laureate Paul Krugman in his shift from herald of neoliberal globalism to an emphasis on class and the public policies that address social inequities.

Putting Genocide Into Words

Lisa Appignanesi The Guardian
The book provides an inside look at how the terms "genocide" and "crimes against humanity" entered worldwide discourse in the wake of the Nuremberg trials.

Death Rides the Elevator in Brooklyn

Martín Espada Floaters
Martín Espada’s newest collection, Floaters, takes its title from the term used by some Border Patrol police to describe migrants drowned in the Rio Grande.

What White Supremacy Is and Isn’t: A Reading List

Rosie Gillies The Boston Review
White supremacy , a founding U.S. principle, remains prevalent today. This reading list was compiled shortly after the January 6 D.C. white insurrection and attempted seizure of the capital building. Follow the links for full reviews of each book.

Ben Fletcher: The Life and Times of a Black Wobbly

Brian Shuffler ZNet
The full extent of the African American participation in the left wing, working class, and progressive movements has yet to be fully documented. This book makes a worthy contribution to increasing our knowledge of this history.