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A Brief Anatomy of Outdoor Dining

Adam Gopnik New Yorker
Alfresco dining shelters are, in the midst of so much sadness, shining instances of the sheer bounce of creativity on our streets; they do what architecture ought to:solve social necessities with improvised forms; make common design from common need.

An Improver

Lesbia Harford The Guardian
There’s a strong feminist working-class voice in the poetry of Australian writer Lesbia Harford 1891-1927.

Eric Hobsbawm in the ‘London Review’: A Value-laden Selection

Richard J. Evans London Review of Books Blog
Eric Hobsbawm, among the most pre-eminent and valued Marxist historians of the late twentieth century, frequently reviewed for the London Review of Books. Here, a prominent British author does a dig into some of Hobsbawm’s many signal LRB essays.

A History of Unemployment and the Search for Solutions

Philip Harvey Jobs for All Newsletter
This book, writes reviewer Harvey, seeks "to provide an account of the nature and extent of the unemployment problem in the United States since the beginning of the industrial era following the end of the Civil War."

Men, Meat, and Marketing

Kat Kinsman Food & Wine
The makers of plant-based meats are up against decades—if not centuries and millennia—of messaging tying meat eating to masculinity.

Earth Shovel

Dan Albergotti Cincinnati Review
“The thing about the universe,” writes poet Dan Albergotti, “is that it seems infinite, but really it’s only a ceaseless series of extinctions.”