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We Didn’t Need the High Fidelity TV Show

Jillian Mapes Pitchfork
A generous reading might consider the show a corrective to the original, particularly because women, people of color, and queer folks now work the stacks at Championship Vinyl. A more skeptical take is that even this is morally suspect.

Nancy Pelosi tore up Trump's Speech

Beau Beausoleil
San Francisco Poet Beau Beausoleil answers the mysterious question, why did Nancy Pelosi tear up the State of the Union speech?

Can Journalism Be Saved?

Nicholas Lemann The New York Review of Books
The evolution (or devolution) of journalism from reporting of facts through investigatory exposes to today's spread of Internet chatter.

Escape Plans

Anna Leigh Knowles Blackbird
Teacher and poet Anna Leigh Knowles is from Littleton, Colorado and knows a thing or two about guns and schools.

The Economist: Cosmo for Capitalists

Stefan Collini London Review of Books
A deep read into the history of the classically liberal Economist, the book under review shows a magazine fronting for empire building, militarism and the triumph of finance capital.